Bienvenue Fotso Gunsi: Artist Resume

Artistic Course

Unlike some who aspire from the youngest age to become artists, Fotso’s discovery of painting was a journey. In fact, Fotso always wanted to be a physician. She had experienced acute physical pain as a little girl, and then later had cared for her father when he fell ill, so her will was to alleviate the suffering of others. She was devastated when a high school orientation counselor advised her not to pursue medical studies. She then decided to be a journalist and study Communications, only to find that the major was so popular at her university that no new applications were being accepted. At a loss of what to study, she entered the Faculty of Arts where she obtained a Master in English Literature four years later.

By chance during her studies, Fotso discovered Futur’Art, an association of artists who encouraged young people interested in the visual arts. She started to train with them in her free time. To her surprise, she became deeply passionate about the visual arts. In 2015, Fotso joined the studio of Maurice Pégoué where she trained for four years. In 2016, she had her first exhibit. She had found her calling. 

Fotso’s experiences and interests animate her work. She comes from a family where traditions are respected and alive, and as far as she can remember, traditional medicine, and the use of medicinal plants have always been part of her environment. The plants that she paints often have medicinal properties; they might alleviate an ailment, reinforce the immune system, or improve one’s overall well-being. She chooses each one for its core properties, once she has decided on a theme to explore. Current events, a recent experience, or a visit to the village and a talk with her uncle - a traditional healer - are sources of inspiration.

Trees, flowers, and leaves take center stage in Fotso’s paintings as they capture both the beauty and the fragility of our environment. Her work raises awareness of our interdependency with the world around us and reminds us that nature - like art - feeds and regenerates our bodies and souls; our very survival depends on its conservation. Fotso encourages each viewer to ponder their individual actions and the impact we, as a collective, are having on the environment around us. What we do today creates the world of tomorrow. 

Fotso paints with acrylic on canvas. She builds her paintings patiently and meticulously, leaving nothing to chance. Her brushstrokes are hardly visible, creating a smooth texture. She applies several layers of flat color to obtain the depth and richness she is looking for, and plays with saturation to give perspective. The serenity of her subject matter, and the fluidity and harmony of her style, are juxtaposed with a powerful spiral that engulfs the background of her paintings. This movement catches the viewer off-guard and adds vibrancy to her work. 



2011 – Today: Works with the Association Futur’Art under the leadership of Maurice Pégoué, Douala, Cameroon

2021 : Photography training with Les Ateliers Kam’Art, Douala, Cameroon

2015 – 2019: Trained in the studio of Maurice Pégoué, Douala, Cameroon

2012 : Master of Arts in English Literature, University of Douala, Cameroon



 Solo Exhibitions


Fipan Grass, African Art Beats, Washington DC, USA

 Collective Exhibitions


S'organiser Suffira, Musée Paul Ahyi, Lomé, Togo


Mother Earth, Meridian International Center, Washington, DC, USA

Transe-mission, French Institute, Libreville, Gabon

Intertwined Narratives, African Art Beats, Washington DC, USA


Jyenwe, Bandjoun Station, Cameroon

AKAA - Art & Design Fair, Carreau du Temple, Paris, France

Speaking Life!, Annie Kadji Gallery, Douala, Cameroon


Na So I Di See Am, Photography exhibit organized by Les Ateliers Kam’Art, Institut français, Douala, Cameroon

Sensitive Approach, BOLO L’Espace Art et Culture, Douala, Cameroon

Lumières, Association des Jeunes Artistes d’Avenir (JAA), In and Off Art Center,

Residence Hotel Artists, Douala, Cameroon


Kamerun, OH Gallery, Dakar, Senegal

ArtuElles Interferences, Annie Kadji Art Gallery, Douala, Cameroon

Aujourd’hui, exhibit organized by the World Bank and curated by Simon Njami, Musée national du Cameroun, Yaoundé, Cameroon


Symbiose, Annie Kadji Art Gallery, Douala, Cameroon

Douala Art Fair, Douala, Cameroon

Concorde, BOLO L’Espace Art et Culture, Douala, Cameroon

Together, with Association Futur’Art, Galerie d’art contemporain de Yaoundé, Cameroon

Woman Power, Bandjoun Station, Bandjoun, Cameroon


Participation to the first edition of Annie Art Days, Annie Kadji Art Gallery, Douala, Cameroon

Acte VIII, une Vision Contemporaine, 2018 edition of the World Bank Exhibit, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Polychrome, exhibit organized by Association Futur’Art, restaurant Rest’Art, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Last Pictures Show, Douala, Cameroon


 Last Pictures Show, Douala, Cameroon

La Place de l’Humain, Doual’Art, Douala, Cameroon

Finaliste du Concours Jeunes Espoirs, Doual’Art, Douala, Cameroon


Cot’art Fair, Douala, Cameroon

Palette de Femmes, Foyer du Marin, Douala, Cameroon


First official presentation of the young members of Association Futur’Art




Forêts Equatoriales, Forêts habitées, Libreville, Gabon


Raw Academy 10th session

Repères, under the direction of Doual'Art, Douala, Cameroon

Artists in Residence, Institut français du Cameroun, Bandjoun Station, Cameroon



Collection of the World Bank

Standard Chartered Bank Collection

Private collections



The artwork Trifolium makes the cover of The Encyclopedia of Rootical Folklore published by Earth Scorched Press LLC in 2024

Fipan-Grass by Bienvenue Fotso, April 2022, African Art Beats


In the Media

Bienvenue Fotso's Fipan Grass, by Yota Batsaki, 06/05/2022

Artuelles Interferences presents Bienvenue Fotso with Health in Nature

Youtube, May 19, 2020


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