About Us

Art transcends borders and barriers, builds bridges across cultures, sparks conversations, and enriches our lives.”

Founded in 2019, African Art Beats is a contemporary art gallery in Washington, DC, that connects art lovers and collectors with curated works from some of the finest emerging and established artists from Africa and its diaspora.

African Art Beats introduces audiences worldwide to contemporary African art – it showcases the talent, energy, and resourcefulness of the artists it represents while sharing the fundamental universality of their messages, messages that resonate, engage, and inspire, regardless of our background or way of life.

These artists are deeply involved in improving their local communities – bringing art education to low-income youth, mentoring up-and-coming artists, or leading local conservation efforts. Through their work, they support themselves, their families, and their communities.

African Art Beats mentors them on their career trajectories, helps place them in residencies, and provides financial support, fostering their artistic growth.


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About Our Founder, Anne-Beatrix Keller Semadeni

Anne-Beatrix was born in Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia. Her maternal grand-father was a collector of orientalist artworks; her father collected Roman antiquities (and would spend countless hours on archeological sites – with four children in tow); and her mother was a gifted artist.

While Anne-Beatrix early considered an artistic career, she became an international translator, capitalizing on her love for languages and bringing people together across cultures. During years spent living in Cameroon and Togo, however, she was captivated with the traditional art and its rich narratives and energy, and enthralled with the vibrant, provocative, imaginative, resourceful and compelling contemporary art scene.

Traveling extensively throughout the continent meeting artists, and eager to share her passion for the arts, Anne-Beatrix envisioned a platform that would go beyond small scale art exhibits to provide a wider visibility to the artists she loved. The goal: to share their art with enthusiasts and collectors who might be similarly moved by it. 

Anne-Beatrix’s relationships with the artists she represents are based on mutual trust and respect. She has spoken to art curators and art critics, met each artist, explored their process, viewed their work in galleries and contemporary art fairs (Dak’Art, 1-54, and Art Basel). She has visited them in their studios or homes, has heard their life story and understood the source of their inspiration as well as the message their work conveys. Every piece of art in the African Art Beats gallery has been carefully researched and thoughtfully curated.

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Guest Book

What an intimate, heart-felt dive into the creations of African artists. You made the individuals come to life in your gallery. I so appreciate the learning and good energy you have shared with us today. Sonya D'Agnese, July 2023

Thank you for putting together this amazing gallery and for your enthusiasm and passion for these fabulous artists. Heidi Leech, July 2023

Amazing gallery with amazing artworks and artists! Ellen Goldstein, June 2023

Great energy! Love the art and the gallery! Thank you for sharing! Kinga Rassinien, June 2023

Beautiful collections, and such fantastic curation! Merci! Bethany K. June 2023


Beautiful setting adorned with work that appear to glow from within. Thank you for opening your gallery to us - a bright spot in these times.
Ben & Libby Jones

Thank you for introducing me to Méné and all the other artists that I wish I could buy. Looking forward to the next show. 
Dina P., Washington, DC

On behalf of all the attendees we wanted to thank you for showing us your wonderful artworks and sharing with us the stories of the artists. 
Susanne M., European Embassy 

Thank you for curating this beautiful show. 
Monica Anderson

The art is so exciting and thank you for giving these talented artists a new opportunity. 
Ann P.

Africa rising!
Olivier Blanchard

Fantastic exhibitions. I love the artists you are representing. Will come back again soon.
Christina W.

Wonderful gallery and lots of talents to discover. Beautiful connections with these fantastic artworks. Thank you.
Julie le S.

Patt K. R.

Thank you for this opportunity to see the works of these gifted artists and their visions for a better world for humanity.
Barri Sue B.

We are thrilled with the Ombre Propre, Ombre Portée painting - it really is so thought provoking and is now hanging in our living room for everyone to see when they walk into our home. And merci encore for welcoming us in your fantastic gallery and giving us the grand tour. 
Ben & Libby Jones 


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